These are the vendors we have the most experience with and can truly say we recommend as both friends and professionals.
Please visit their pages, consider their services and tell them we recommend them for your special event.
Super 8 Scanning to Digital
No matter what format you are shooting, Gamma Ray Digital of Newton, MA is the best sotluion. Using their LasterGraphics ScanStation they produce the best quality and highest resolution possible with the Super 8 and 16mm formats.
Super 8 Film and Cameras
Are you a Super 8 user or enthusiast? Do you want to get started with Super 8? Now is the time! Whether you need a camera, film, processing or transfers, Pro8mm in Burbank, CA is the place to start.
If you decide to make a purchase with Pro8mm, please enter their store via the linked image below so they know New England Vintage Films referred you!
Wedding Planners
If you are looking for a detail oriented wedding planner in southern New Hampshire, northern Massachusetts or anywhere along the northern New England sea coast, Laurie at Every Day Detailsis the only way to go. She has fantastic taste, amazing planning skills and very reasonable prices. Please tell her we sent you!
Gracie Lou Events – Adrienne and Elizabeth are Boston’s premier wedding planning duo. One look at their promos and you will be amazed at their attention to detail and amazing use of colors and many different styles.
Fotique – You have to see Jaime’s work to appreciate her talent. Her appreciation for color and detail in highlights makes me wonder why she doesn’t use film…
Tom Dicicco is a fantastic photographer who happens to be responsible for the opening image of this website (with the lens flare).